After a few days of being in France and couple bouts of confusion with public transportation (for the record, it is always a bad sign to be the last one on the bus) I pulled myself together and weaved my way through the maze of train systems in and around the big city. The train from Versailles to Paris traveled at a slightly higher altitude than the majority of the city so I was treated to a fantastic view of the Eiffel Tower, Sacré Cœur, La Défense, and the Montparnasse tower on my way. Thirty minutes later I arrived in Paris and my life changed forever… just kidding.

I had been to Paris before, a few years prior with my family, but we’d run into dreary weather, and I was young and not in a frame of mind to fully appreciate it. The Paris in front of me was unrecognizable to the rainy, exhausting Paris from my memories and I loved it immediately. It was bursting with energy, mystique, and wayyy too many tourists (it’s my blog -I’ll be a hypocrite if I want to). I suppose the sunshine’s endorphin-inducing rays peeking out from behind all the beautifully architecture of the surrounding buildings didn’t hurt either.
I spent the day doing a bit of shopping –a dangerous thing in Paris, sipping cappuccinos, and wandering around getting hopelessly lost without a single worry in sight. Everything was fantastic aside from for the little “shortcut” I took which led me to an…interesting… neighborhood where the shop titles no longer boasted “Lanvin” and “Dior”, but “Afro King” and “Fried Chicken Express.” Oops. After deciding against getting a weave or having my nails “did,” and dodging the questioning glances being sent my way, I found my way out and continued on with my adventure. A few minutes later I stumbled upon Place Vendome (A piazza boasting many shops I’ll never be able to afford) and it was uphill from there. Place Vendome is just off of Rue de Rivoli(another shopping street) which leads directly to the Touleries, a giant gorgeous park that houses the Louvre, which is proceeded by the Place de la Concorde and Champs-Élysées, which of course wraps up under the Arche De Triomphe. After taking my fill of picturesfor the day, my giant tourist magnet of a map and I were making our way to this tower -maybe you’ve heard of it.. Eiffel something rather- when the clouds got a bit heavy and began to drip, ending my first adventure to the big city.
Playlist of the day: Florence and the Machine
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