(The house)
Breakfast is at seven so my alarm clock (AKA cell phone) disrupts my slumber every morning at six thirty. I am immediately ready to face the day.. which means I roll over and sleep for twenty more minutes.
(My Room)
When I finally convince myself to get up, I hurriedly throw on whatever clothes are in reach, throw my hair up to look semi-presentable, quickly brush some toothpaste over my pearly-whites and head downstairs to meet
the family for breakfast.
(The Kitchen)
After breakfast we usually start some Pixar or Disney movie to distract the kids while we dress them. For some reason they really do not like to change outfits!
Audrey then heads to a nanny, and Antoine to school, while their parents head off to work. I am left with an entire day to find many an adventure to update you on!
(Living room where we dress the kids. Note the TV.)
The city center is only really a 10-15 minute walk from the house- which is really convenient! There are two different routes, depending on where in town I am heading.
(Route 1: seven sets of fourteen stairs. Most useful in walking to and from Antoine's school. Take that Stairmaster)
I haven't begun classes yet so what I do during the daytimes tends to vary. Sometimes I read/write/drink coffee at Starbucks (my favourite place in Versailles). Sometimes I do laundry and clean (HA! Not very often). Sometimes I wander into Paris for a few hours. Depends on the day.
(Route option #2. Well trodden- it takes me to Starbucks)
Tall cappuccino please!
Around 5:30 I meet Audrey and Sophie at Antoine's school and we head home for the evening. We play for about an hour until bathtime, after which we have dinner and head to bed! I am lucky because I get weekends off, but unlucky because Wednesdays I spend an entire 12 hours chasing after the tots. Ah well, c'est la vie!
(Playing hide and seek. Hardly saw you there.)
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